Book club keeps on growing at Slieve Gullion
If you are passionate about reading and would enjoy the chance of a coffee and natter about a book with a group of like minded people, then Grounded Slieve Gullion Bookclub is the thing for you.
The book club started in December 2012 and numbers have grown steadily. The group has covered a wide range of books both modern and classic to date, including “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, “The Lost Horizon” by James Hilton and “The Thread” by Victoria Hislop.
The next meeting will be held at Grounded Coffee Shop, in the beautiful Slieve Gullion Forest Park on Saturday 15th June at 10.30am.
The book selected by the group is “We need to talk about Kevin” by Lionel Shriver, one which we are sure will get the discussion flowing.
New members will be made most welcome. For more information, please email or feel free to turn up on the day.
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