Letters to the Editor, ‘Barnardos thanks local school children’
Dear Editor,
Barnardo’s would like to say a big thank you to the under-fives from Pontzpass Playgroup who took part in Barnardo’s superhero themed Big Toddle last year (2012).
The tremendous toddlers lived up to the superhero theme by raising over £70 for local Barnardo’s projects – including children with a disability, children living in poverty or children overcoming a traumatic experience like domestic violence or losing a parent.
Barnardo’s would love to see more local nurseries registering to Toddle in 2013 when the theme will be nursery rhymes and fairy tales with toddlers being encouraged to dress up as their favourite character.
Nurseries can host their own Fairytale Toddle with family and friends, any time, any place – to register for your Toddle pack or find out more visit www.bigtoddle.co.uk or follow @bigtoddle or #bigtoddle on twitter.
Yours faithfully
Anne Dawson
Barnardo’s NI
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