What really happens between our bed sheets: It’s not what you’d think! | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

What really happens between our bed sheets: It’s not what you’d think!

A recent survey has shown results that the Northern Irish have the second most sex in bed of any other region of the UK, with 55 per cent claiming to have sex more than four times per month – compared to 36 per cent of people in Scotland who claim to never get together under the covers.

Researchers also found that a bed is no longer used just for sleeping, with the report divulging that we now watch TV, check our social network profiles and even respond to work emails while relaxing under the duvet.

While the Northern Irish are the cleanest in bed in the UK, with 9 per cent washing their sheets at least twice per week, they also are the most likely to want to spend more time under their duvets.

People in Northern Ireland were most concerned about the cost of heating of any city in Britain, with 85 per cent stating it weighs on their mind, but they are also the most likely to own an electric blanket and light a fire when the temperature drops.

The typical bed over its average ten year lifespan is home to 720 arguments, 120 breakfasts in bed and 3,962 kisses.

Jacqueline Townson, spokesperson for the UK bedding company, Dreamland, said: “We spend a lot of time in our beds. It’s quite staggering to realise all of the different activities we get up to under our duvets.

“It’s particularly interesting that the Northern Irish suffer from the coldest feet in the UK, but argue significantly less about the problem with their partners than those in Scotland. Some 27 per cent of Scots claiming this to be a problem in bed, compared to just 6 per cent in Northern Ireland.”

The study found that in an average week, people in Belfast were the third most likely in the UK to share a cuddle in bed with their partner or children and the third most likely to enjoy breakfast in bed.

Over the average ten-year lifetime of a bed in the UK, we will spend the equivalent of almost three and a half years – 8 hours and 15 minutes a night – lying or relaxing in bed.

But just two years and eight months of that – six and a half hours a night – is spent actually asleep.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=27042

Posted by on Jan 17 2013. Filed under Features. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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