‘New farming maps should be scrutinised immediately’ – Ruane
Sinn Féin MLA Caitriona Ruane has called on farmers to give the new mapping system, soon to be sent out from the Department of Agriculture their urgent attention.
Speaking to Newry Times, Ms. Ruane said, “In order to meet the criteria set down by the EU Commission every new map must state the Maximum Eligible Area on which the Single Farm Payment for 2013 will be based.
“The Department will shortly issuing every farmer with a new map but it will be the sole responsibility of the farmer to ensure that their map is correct.
“It is therefore crucial farmers scrutinise these new maps and report any amendments to the department as soon as possible as any failure to report changes may lead to loss of the SFP or worse still a penalty being levied upon the farm.
She added, “I would call on farmers to give these new maps their full attention and not to leave it to the last minute as this may also delay their claim.
“The Department will also be issuing advice on how to check the new maps and farmers should take time to read and if they are unsure seek assistance from a local representative or the Department.”
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