Murphy hits out at abuse of legal process in Price, McGeough and Corey cases
Speaking in London this week, Sinn Fein MP Conor Murphy hit out at the behaviour of the British government in the continuing imprisonment of Marian Price, Martin Corey and Gerry McGeough.
Conor Murphy was speaking at a public meeting in Westminster, on a panel which included Fianna Fáil TD Eamon O’Cúiv, British Labour MP John McDonnell, former Armagh prison chaplain Fr Raymond Murray, and prisoners campaigner Moya St Leger.
Addressing the Price and Corey cases, Mr Murphy said: “These two people should be released immediately. Their detention without trial and due process is unjust and runs contrary to natural justice. They are detained on the basis of secret allegations by British intelligence agencies, which they are unable to challenge, contest or refute.
“Everyone is entitled to due process and to a fair trial. Marian Price and Martin Corey are being denied this. This represents a serious breach of their human rights and their continued imprisonment undermines the justice system. We are against the use of, ‘revocation of licences,’ as a substitute for due process.
On the continued imprisonment of Gerry McGeough, Conor Murphy said: “Sinn Féin believes that Gerry McGeough should not have been arrested, should not therefore be in prison and should be released immediately.
“We have made this position clear publicly on many occasions since Gerry’s arrest, including during the course of many meetings with both the British and Irish governments. Several of our MLAs have visited the prisoners in Maghaberry many times over the course of the past two years.
Murphy added, “They have met with Gerry McGeough and discussed his predicament. They have repeated our position to him personally. Indeed, during these visits Gerry has expressed his appreciation for the efforts Sinn Féin has made on his behalf.
“Most recently Sinn Féin tabled motions at a number of Councils, north and south, calling for his release.”
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The british govt. has no compunction of conscience….. In the Business World,, the british governments conduct would be classified as “CORPORATE SOCIOPATHY”