PIPS Newry to deliver new Bereavement Support Services

“Those who have experienced bereavement to suicide can now avail of a service that is specific to their needs. Support will be offered by experienced counsellors and is free for those who wish to access the service.
He added, “PIPS Newry and Mourne will also be responsible for a weekly Bereavement Support Group in the Newry and Mourne area and monthly meetings in other geographical areas, as required.”
PIPS Newry and Mourne will work closely with the Southern Trust, Protect Life Community Development Workers and Protect Life Community Service to provide a range of support services and to make the best use of limited resources.
Seamus McCabe from PIPS Newry and Mourne added, “Our priority is to ensure that the needs of the individuals are assessed and, where necessary, individuals are referred to other service providers.
“In addition to individual sessions and group support, we will provide confidential one-to-one family support for families who have been bereaved by suicide.”
Anne Coyle, the Trust’s Bereavement Coordinator, endorsed the service. She stated, “Coping with the death of someone close to us is one of the most painful experiences we endure. Grieving is unique and personal and with the help of family, friends and pastoral care we find ways of dealing with the emotions of this time.
“However, for some bereaved people more formal support is necessary. PIPS Newry and Mourne works closely with the Suicide Prevention Co-Ordinator to provide bereavement packs, leaflets, and online information for individuals and families bereaved by suicide.”
All counselling staff are accredited or working towards accreditation with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy or the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
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