Hazzard welcomes increased Agricultural cross-border cooperation
South Down MLA Chris Hazzard has welcomed the meeting this week in which Sinn Féin President and Louth TD Gerry Adams brought a delegation of Farmers from the Irish Farmers Association to a meeting with Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill in Stormont.
Hazzard said: “I welcome the meeting between a delegation from the Irish Farmers Association, the Ulster Farmers Union and Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill to discuss issues that effect farmers on along the border corridor.
“They discussed issues including, all Ireland health status, Brucellosis, national parks, sheep control, suckling cow welfare scheme and the provisions of loans from the banks.
He continued, “It is crucial that we build a strategy that brings together the needs of border farmers in terms of animal health protection, transport and movement of livestock as in some cases there are farmers who land straddle both sides of the border.
“Farming is a hard industry into which to make a living at the best of times and this year has been harder than most with the inclement weather and having a border to traverse only adds to the hardship.”
The South Down Assemblyman added:
“I hope today’s meeting will allow us to resolve some of these problems and draw up a strategy that will allow enhanced co-operation in the future.
“As we increasingly develop closer links between South Down, South Armagh, and North Louth, it is important to explore areas where cooperation can bring real benefits to those living along the east border corridor.”
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