Rogers welcomes newly qualified teachers initiative
SDLP Education spokesperson Séan Rogers has welcomed news that newly qualified teachers will be presented with job opportunities through an OFMDFM initiative but said the proof will be the ultimate increase in employment for newly qualified teachers and the raising of basic numeracy and literacy skills.
“This is to be welcomed and if it helps address the numeracy and literacy levels of young people then it will be a good thing.
“I further hope that some opportunity will be afforded to newly qualified teachers getting to complete their Early Professional Development (EPC) qualification that has proved a stumbling block for gaining employment, where a catch-22 position exists in that newly qualified teachers require an EPC for employment but need to be employed to get it.
He added, “I look forward to more information from the department and the proof will be both in the numbers of newly qualified teachers employed and, ultimately, the raising of numeracy and literacy levels.”
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