‘No tourism view on salmon conservation’ – McKevitt
SDLP Culture, Arts and Leisure spokesperson Karen McKevitt said it is disappointing that the NI Tourism Board made no submission to a recent DCAL consultation on salmon conservation.
Speaking to Newry Times, she said:
“Our salmon stocks are under threat and this has immediate and major implications for tourism. The Tourism Board is promoting Northern Ireland as one of the finest angling destinations in Europe and one would have expected them to show an interest in keeping us in that position.”
“The consultation which closed in July sought views on a range of options for limiting recreational anglers’ salmon catches in the interests of conservation, up to and including a total ban. The responding individuals and organisations had a variety of views on what to do, but 97% agreed that action was necessary.”
McKevitt added, “It is a pity that we do not have an expert view on the potential impact of the various options on angling tourism.”
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