Charity GAA game in support of Ryan Cinnamond Trust
There was a charity sporting spectacle last Saturday evening in the Shane O Neills Club Camloch when over 35 teams from Carrickcruppen and Shane O Neills played each other to raise funds for the Ryan Cinnamond Trust.
A host of names from yester-year entertained those present to a passionate if at times, slow paced game. Owen Reel ably refereed the game, keeping a tight reign on some. Organiser Barry Sloan thanked the referee, all who played, made refreshments, raised funds or helped in anyway.
Mayor John Mc Ardle was there to witness the game and his presence was deeply appreciated. Newry and Armagh MP Conor Murphy donned a jersey for the worthy cause, whilst Councillor Pat McGinn stayed safe and did ‘water boy’.
John Courtney and Mickey Lynch renewed their management partnership fueling speculation that they may make a return. All in all a great evenings sport and fun to raise monies for a young man Ryan Cinnamond’s Trust, whose courage and focus is an inspiration to all.
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