Hearty urges farm safety following Spence tragedy
Sinn Féin’s local Agriculture Spokesperson, Councillor Terry Hearty has expressed his condolences to the Spence family in Hillsborough following a tragic accident last weekend which saw a father and two sons lose their lives.
“This terrible disaster has really hit home within the farming community and my thoughts are with the Spence family at this time. Newry and Mourne is largely a rural area, with a lot of farming families who are truly shocked by the events on the Spence farm.
“I have spoken to many members of the farming community and the overwhelming feeling is that this accident could happen on any farm. We are all aware that farm yards can be very dangerous places and particularly slurry tanks at this time of year due to the build up of gas produced by the storage of slurry over the summer months.”
He added, “This accident on the Spence family farm will be on the minds of farming families for a long time. Hopefully it will leave us all more aware of the dangers associated with slurry tanks and could save lives on family farms.”
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