Sub group gets to work to tackle ‘lawlessness’ in Newry
Following recent ‘lawlessness’ in the greater Altnaveigh Park /Demense area of Newry, a working sub group was established, through a CRJ intervention, to address issues raised at a public meeting in July.
The second working group meeting took place on Tuesday evening, September 4th, in the CRJ offices in Ballybot House and was chaired by the newly appointed Neighbourhood Renewal Co-ordinator Elizabeth Kimmins .
The meeting gave the tenants the opportunity to receive feedback from various agencies around community safety matters and was attended by local MLA Micky Brady.
The meeting was very positive with tenants receiving a clear update of progress to date from Sgt. Kenny Gracey PSNI and Jim Bagnall of NIHE. Unfortunately there was no representative present form the South Ulster Housing Association.
However, sub group reps from the Demense were able to give feedback from a recent meeting organised by SUHA for all the residents in that estate. A further development meeting was scheduled to take place before the end of the year.
Chairperson of Martin’s Lane Community Association, Mark Crossey, thanked all for attending, especially the two agencies for their positive contribution. He particularly welcomed the fact that the new CRJ Neighbourhood Renewal Co-ordinator will be working in these estates ensuring there will be a restorative approach when dealing with current and future issues.
Tensions high in Altnaveigh Park amid ‘traveller feud’
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