‘Housing points system not fit for purpose’ – Brady
Sinn Féin MLA Mickey Brady has called for an urgent review into the awarding of points for Housing Executive properties.
Speaking to Newry Times, the Newry Armagh MLA said that due to the high level of demand for housing in some areas of Newry the points needed to access a property are set even higher.
“This places housing out of the reach of many people who are in need and can force them into long stays in hostels and other temporary accommodation.”
“Sinn Féin has argued that the points system does not work and is not designed for people in high demand areas. The present Minister Nelson McCausland had promised action to deal with lengthy waiting lists and how this affects people. To date this has not been done and it is clear that the current points system is failing and not fit for purpose.”
He added, “Both I and my Sinn Féin colleagues on Newry & Mourne Council deal with Housing queries on a daily basis and the situation appears to be getting worse.
“Sinn Féin is seeking an urgent meeting with the Minister for Social Development to stress the need to deal with this serious problem. Failure to do this condemns many people to lengthy stays in over crowded conditions.”
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