Letters to the Editor, ‘RNU deny threat to Council enforcement officers’
Dear Editor,
The Republican Network for Unity in South Down categorically deny claims by SDLP councillor John McArdle that the RNU had issued threats to Council ‘Enforcement’ Officers nor did we claim they were “Carrying out duties which RNU claimed were the responsibility of the PSNI”.
In our statement dated 20/08/2012, we merely asked for clarification of their role following approaches to us by a number of concerned Republicans in the area.
Mr McArdle, given his history as a cheerleader for the RUC/PSNI in the District Policing Partnerships, and his new role as Lord Mayor would be better served taking British Policing in Newry and Mourne to task over their flagrant abuse of stop and search laws in the area as opposed to misrepresenting the Republican Network for Unity.
Finally, we would ask Mr McArdle to outline the recruitment process surrounding the employing of these council workers as there does not appear to be much evidence of a recruitment campaign in the local press or of the contract going for tender to a private firm.
The Republican Network for Unity
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