SRC Technology Camp a huge success
The Technology Camp in conjunction with Southern Regional College have just finished their first series of summer programmes, which was a great success.
The camp was run over four weeks with 70+ students aged 7 to 17 years old in attendance; many parents travelled from as far as Omagh and Belfast to enrol their kids. All those who took part had the opportunity to design and create their own fun and exciting games through programmes in 2D Game Design, 3D Game Design, Web Design and Photography.
Not only did the students learn how to build their own games, but they had the opportunity to partake in competitions, gaming tournaments and trips throughout the week. The Technology Camp will be running another camp on the Halloween break and will be introducing a new film camp to our exciting list of programmes. Please contact Mandy for more information on the details below.
For more information please contact Mandy on 07738263906 or email
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