Wells ‘delighted’ at Warren Hill planning appeal rejection
DUP South Down Assemblyman Jim Wells has said that he is ‘delighted’ that the Planning Appeals Commission has refused an application for 26 houses on land to the rear of Warren Hill on the Warrenpoint Road outside Newry.
Speaking to Newry Times, Wells stated, “I am very pleased indeed to learn last week that after a 9 year battle the residents of Warren Hill have been successful in their fight to prevent the access for this large number of houses coming through this quiet estate.”
“The Planning Appeals Commission have now made it clear that due to the steep incline, narrow roads and inadequate footpaths Warren Hill is totally unsuitable to be used as an access for the proposed housing development. I have been campaigning against this proposal for many years and like the residents of the area I am relieved that it has been rejected.”
Wells insisted he was however concerned that the Roads Service originally recommended approval and it was only after the residents employed a roads engineer to survey Warren Hill that they changed their view on the application.
He added, “The residents are to be congratulated on the way they stood together on this issue and I know that they are very glad that their ordeal is over.”
Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=21336
Mr Wells DUP may well congratulate residents, BUT he and other politicains including Karen Mc Kevitt SDLP need to explain why this application, which was not exactly a major development. took so long to make a decision on. It yet again shows the ineptitude and incompetence of a planning department not fit for purose and which these politicians on the hill are supposedly in charge off. Planning service ( if it this indeed fit to be called a service) needs a radical overhaul. I think Mr Wells DUP, Karren Mc Kevitt SDLP and the rest of the folk on the Hill need to seriously take a long hard look at WHY this department took a ridicilous lenght of time to decide on an application. Their decisions arealso protracted with many other applications submitted to it. SERIOUS questions need to be asked WHY it takes so long to make a decision. In parts of England and the Republic of Ireland they can usually have a decision in EIGHT weeks!! Politicans are great guys gaining numerous votes from housing estates whereas a developer is only seen as one vote.