Fearon welcomes badger initiative
Sinn Féin MLA Megan Fearon has welcomed the initiative by Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill to deal with badgers infected with Bovine Tuberculosis.
Speaking to Newry Times, Miss Fearon said, “For years there has been a debate on how we deal with the problem of badgers infected with Bovine Tuberculosis. I congratulate the Minister with coming up with an innovative solution that will protect healthy badgers while removing those infected with bovine TB.”
“The proposal of capturing badgers and vaccinating the healthy ones while humanely destroying those infected with disease will eventually eradicate bovine TB in badgers. Badgers are one of the indigenous animals in Ireland and deserve to be protected as much as any other species in order to protect the natural balance in the countryside.”
Megan added, “Farmers also need to be confident that their herd of cattle is not susceptible to disease through contact with infected badgers and this initiative will go some way in meeting these two criteria.”
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