Rogers welcomes school building funds
SDLP Education spokesperson Seán Rogers has given welcomed the Education minister’s announcement of £133m of funding for new school buildings across the North of Ireland.
Speaking to Newry Times, the South Down MLA said: “I am pleased at the scale of the funding announced by Minister O’Dowd this afternoon as it will give great assistance to the schools involved as well as to the North’s hard-pressed construction industry, which is such a massive part of our local economy. Indeed, I would commend all principals and boards of governors of the schools included in the latest funding round for putting the case for their schools so eloquently and forthrightly to the Department – this really is their victory.”
“Investment in education is a win-win move for the local economy, so while I welcome the Minister’s announcement and commend those schools who are receiving added investment, work must already be commencing to single out the beneficiaries of the next capital funding round, and I hope to see finance spread more widely,” he added.
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