Emma and Pauline set to scale new heights for charity | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Emma and Pauline set to scale new heights for charity

Two Mid-Ulster women will be scaling new heights in aid of charity in the coming weeks as they take on the 6 Counties 6 Peaks Challenge. Emma McCann and Pauline McGurk will take on not one but six of the highest mountains in Northern Ireland in a unique fundraiser for the Ulster Cancer Foundation. And, if that wasn’t challenging enough, Emma and Pauline have vowed to complete all six peaks in just 24 hours.

The intrepid pair will be setting off on their daring adventure from Slieve Donard Hotel at 3am on June 23rd and from there will travel across all six counties and to the peaks of Slieve Donard in Co Down (850m),  Slieve Gullion in Co Armagh (573m), Cuilcagh Co Fermanagh (666m), Trostan Co Antrim (550m), Sawel Co Derry (678m),  and Mullaghcarn Co Tyrone (542).

Both women are hugely experienced hikers and fundraisers and between them have raised almost £50k for various charities over the years. Emma is well known for her work with the local Lions Club and Pauline is a volunteer for North West Mountain Rescue Team and together they have the attitude and altitude to make this challenge a roaring success.

Donations can be made through their just-giving page http://wwwjustgiving.com/Emma-McCann1

Alternatively you can text donation to PEAK06 £(your amount) to 70070 (must be in capitals letters and leave a space before the pound sign) and your chosen amount can range from £1 to £10.

The girls are hoping to raise £3859 which is £1 for every metre they will be climbing on the day. In addition, you can log on to Facebook and check their progress over the coming weeks as well as give them some much appreciated encouragement. The page can be found at http://facebook.com/6counties6peakschallenge and this will be updated throughout the day on June 23rd.

Speaking about Emma and Pauline’s challenge, Paul O’Gara from Ulster Cancer Foundation said: “As challenges go they don’t get much bigger than this. Emma and Pauline will be pulling out all the stops in their bid to raise money for Ulster Cancer Foundation and we would ask everyone to support them and the charity as they prepare for what will be a very intense 24 hours on June 23rd.”

He added, “We are one of Northern Ireland’s leading cancer charities and we provide a range of services for people who have been affected by cancer. Our Family Support Service is a free service available to families across Northern Ireland, provides one-to-one support to help reduce the impact of cancer on family life, and aims to minimise the long-term effects on the emotional well-being of the entire family unit. These services are only possible due to the on-going support of the general public.”

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=16728

Posted by on Jun 12 2012. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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