Kennedy condemns Newry violence | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Kennedy condemns Newry violence

Ulster Unionist MLA Danny Kennedy has condemned those responsible for Thursday night’s elaborate hoax device in Newry and the subsequent riot that broke out between youths and police officers.

Speaking to Newry Times, the Newry & Armagh representative said: “I unreservedly condemn last night’s events in Newry which saw a suspect object left at Camlough Road near Daisy Hill hospital and Police called to the scene came under attack from stones and petrol bombs. This achieved absolutely nothing for the people of Newry except to inconvenience health workers and people visiting the Hospital.”

“This incident following on from the abandoned 600lb bomb on the Fathom Line less than four weeks ago obviously adds to concerns as to the on-going level of dissident activity in the area.”

He added, “I would like to wish the injured Police officer a speedy recovery and I would renew my appeal for anyone who can assist the Police to come forward immediately so that the persons responsible can be detained and the vast majority of the citizens of Newry can be left to go about their daily lives in peace.”

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Posted by on May 26 2012. Filed under Community, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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