10 daily habits worth keeping! | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

10 daily habits worth keeping!

“The secret to weight loss is…”, “The best way to detox your body begins with…”, “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days”, I’m sure we’ve all heard these so called promises and many more just like them.

In the modern world that we live in, information and advice is being thrown at us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and it’s my belief that for some of us, this ‘healthy living/healthy eating/lowering stress/work-life-balance’ task is so difficult and ultimately unhealthy and very stressful because we just don’t know what to eat anymore.

With all the major food manufacturers branding their products with fancy labels, adding words such as ‘eco’ and ‘sustainable’, ‘fair trade’ and ‘organic’ and with every celebrity under the sun coming out with a new method of exercise to ‘blast fat’ and telling us about how they shed 20kgs eating baby food, it’s no wonder we give up due to utter confusion and exhaustion.

Just because those crisps you’re eating are Organic doesn’t mean they contain any less calories, likewise that extra scoop of organic ice cream you devoured will still need a home, possibly on your hips.

When we ignore all those fancy labels, eating well and feeling great are as basic a human right as sleeping and breathing. If we break away from what the TV ads are telling us to eat, it can be quite enjoyable and easy to feel and look better by going back to basics with these 10 daily habits worth remembering and definitely worth sticking to.

You may not see miracles or lose 7 kgs in 7 days, but you’ll be able to adopt them for the rest of your life, which seems to be better bang for your buck than forking out several hundred pounds for a 10 week body overhaul, whereby you go on holiday looking fantastic, then revert back to old habits and slowly morph into the old you post holiday.

10 daily habits to keep:

1 handful of nuts
2 slices of bread limit
3 remember omega 3’s – good fats in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines, avocado, nuts
4 serves of whole-grains
5 serves of fruit and vegetables
6 small meals if your blood sugar is out of control and you’re constantly craving the sweet stuff
7 hours sleep minimum
8 glasses of water
9 90% dark chocolate, it’s full of antioxidants – and calories so exercise portion control!
10 10,000 steps daily

LISA’S TIP: An interesting book has been written by David Gillespie, entitled ‘Big Fat Lies’. In it he claims that the key to weight loss is not exercise, though it does help. An interesting theory when you consider that one extra slice of bread contains 130 calories, which may take you 20-30mins on the cross trainer to work off. Extra calories consumed take a lot of work to burn off, whereas not overeating to begin with may give you better success in the long run. Exercise is, however, helpful as a stress reliever and a boost of feel good hormones.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=15157

Posted by on May 24 2012. Filed under Lifestyle. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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