Mourne Gymnastics Club roll into recognition
For the second consecutive year Mourne Gymnastics Club Kilkeel and Newry has been shortlisted for nomination for Club of the Year Award at the British Gymnastics in Northern Ireland Awards. The recognition does not stop at the Club but also to the coaches and gymnasts.
Mourne Gymnastics is a very proactive Club in the further development of the sport, children, potential coaches and other clubs. Mourne Gymnastics supports the governing body in the delivery of coaching courses and provides mentoring services for surrounding clubs and candidates from the University of Ulster. The Club works in partnership with many other clubs across NI in the aim to promote recreational participation and recognize grass roots achievements.
To date the club has worked and is currently working in partnership with Abbey GC Belfast, Shooting Starz Derry, Bayside Dublin, Banbridge Leisure and Schools surrounding the locality of the Club in assisting them in the delivery of sessions, advice of particular issues surrounding coaching and club management.
Speaking to Newry Times, Head Coach Nikki McAlinden stated, “I am absolutely delighted with the nomination for the second year in a row. Through the Club and the coaches we strive very hard to promote the success and achievements of everyone no matter how big or small, we believe that every effort should be recognized and rewarded. We strive to be a proactive club in all areas from Parent and Toddler sessions, Pre-school, Disabilities, Recreational Classes for Boys and Girls, Community Groups, Schools and finally Adults. All of this has been achieved through constant hard work and belief in the ability to “Try Your Best”.
Last Year 14 year old Danielle Brown was successful in winning Most Improved Participation Gymnast of the Year. However this year three coaches have been shortlisted for nomination – Linda Rice and Eimear Kane for Volunteer of the Year – and Helen McParland Young Volunteer of the Year.
The British Gymnastics in Northern Ireland Awards are on Sat 31st April and all at Mourne Gymnastics are incredibly excited about the evening.
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