Meigh Indoor Bowling News
While casting an eye back over some articles submitted around this time last year regarding the O’Hagan sponsored South Armagh Bowling League, the winners format looks very similar with the top three remaining the same, the only difference being that Whitecross didn’t get just as close to the title holders this year as last, but probably made up for it by their success in other competitions. So it’s congratulations again to Cullyhanna for 2012, they continue to set the standard for the rest of us to reach.
In third place this year again are Meigh with less points scored than last year and had it not been for a complete loss of form halfway through the season, they might well have been breathing down the neck of the winners. However, on a more positive note, they did win the South Armagh Shield, very comprehensively too, at the expense of Mullaghbawn, Crossmaglen and Silverbridge and are beginning to make an impact in other competitions as well this year, so maybe there’s hope for the future.
While the indoor bowling season is almost at a close, with the Presentation Dinner in Crossmaglen on Saturday night, the Annual Round Robin for charity starts on this Thursday 3rd May for four weeks, (i.e.) 10th, 17th and 24th at 7.30pm in Meigh Community Centre. This year the charity nominated is Brainwaves which provides support and information to those people affected by a brain tumour, their families and carers.
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