Fundraiser for baby Beth
A message from Lorcan McCooey and Laura Feehan, parents of Beth, who sadly passed away on 11th March 2012.
After losing our beautiful baby girl, Beth, on 11th March 2012, we are trying to raise funds for two ‘cold cots’ – one for Daisy Hill Hospital and the other for The Royal. These cots cost £2,832 each and they will give parents a chance to spend as much time as possible with their babies after death and allow them to make some much cherished memories. No Parent should ever be faced with losing their much loved and wanted baby, hopefully in some small way we might make this nightmare a little easier.
We are holding a Fund Raiser on Friday 4th May in Shane O’Neill’s social club in Camlough. There will be a Family Fun Quiz, an auction for which we have Armagh and Down signed jersey’s and signed jerseys from All Ireland Champions Crossmaglen Rangers and St. Pauls High School. There will also be spot prizes on the night, Music, Karaoke and a BBQ.
Entry is £5 for adults and £2 for children and the Quiz will start at 8.30pm.
We have a Facebook page set up if you would like to keep track of activities and any future events.
There is also a PayPal account set up for online donations:¤cy_code=GBP&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3Abtn_donateCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted
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