Rogers welcomes higher education strategy
SDLP South Down MLA Sean Rogers has welcomed the first ever Higher Education Strategy which was published by the Department of Employment and Learning yesterday.
Speaking to Newry Times, Mr Rogers described it as a ‘very positive strategy’ and he welcomed the recommendation that higher educational provision must reflect the needs of the local economy. “We must have better engagement between our further education colleges, universities and businesses so that programmes can be designed to meet the needs of local employers and local job opportunities can be enhanced and our local economy can flourish. I also welcome the recognition that there is a need for greater rural access to degree programmes through our Further Education colleges and I look forward to the commencement of a pilot scheme to achieve this in 2014.”
“Work placement schemes for students,” Rogers continued, “must be improved to give them experience on the job and an improved chance of future employment. Far too often some of our brightest young people are refused jobs because they do not have enough experience and it is vital that government address this crucial issue as the current placement timescale is far too loose.”
The South Down MLA added, “In my new role as an MLA, I along with my SDLP colleagues will continue to push these issues both in South Down and at Stormont.”
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