No Parking Increase at St Patrick’s Trian | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

No Parking Increase at St Patrick’s Trian

Sinn Féin councillor, Cathy Rafferty, has proposed that there is no increase in car parking charges in the Saint Patrick’s Trian car park. This proposal was accepted at an Internal Scrutiny meeting on Tuesday 17th April.

Speaking to Newry Times, Councillor Rafferty said, “Council officers brought a recommendation that, in line with DoE and Sainsbury’s car parks, the rate for parking be raised from 30p to 40p for the first hour.”

“I felt that in the current economic climate, though it may seem quite minimal, any increase that people may have to endure should be avoided. In the DoE and other pay car parks we as a council, have no control on their charging policy, but in this car park we do, so we should be showing leadership and solidarity with the general public where we can in resisting any increases to people.”

“Thankfully, there was full agreement within the chamber not to proceed with this proposed rise, and I would hope, where possible, we can agree to defer any similar proposals brought forward for the benefit of the general public.”

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Posted by on Apr 21 2012. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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