Titanic fun at Slieve Gullion
In an event to mark the centenary of the sinking of the world’s most famous ship, Enspire are running a family fun event at Slieve Gullion courtyard on Sunday 15th April 2012. Starting at 2pm, the event will commemorate the sinking with family art, games and activities, finishing off with a poignant reminder of the people lost on that fateful night.
“We want families to get into the spirit and dress up as first, second or third class passengers… And if you come dressed as crew, I’m sure we can find you a job on the S.G.Titanic (S.G. = Slieve Gullion!)” said Enspire’s Sharon Carroll.
Everyone attending will get a replica Titanic ticket and, as we all know, survival from the sinking was often determined by your ticket. Always respectful of those lost, the event will be an educational, enjoyable and exciting family day out. Will you survive the sinking of the S.G Titanic?
The event starts at 2pm on Sunday 15th April and costs £7.50 per child, £5.00 per adult and a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) costs just £20 – Much cheaper than the real Titanic and Enspire are pretty sure there are no icebergs on the slopes of Slieve Gullion!
You can book via email at info@enspirelearn.com or text or ring 07840385223 / 07763496179. Enspire’s website is www.enspirelearn.com and you can find them on Facebook.com/enspirelearn and follow their twitter @enspirelearn
Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=10922