Blue Bins take Glass at Last!
Newry and Mourne District Council is delighted to announce that glass bottles and jars can now all be recycled in your blue bin.
The Council currently sends blue bin material to Re-Gen, a local company based in Newry, to have the material sorted, bailed and sent on to reprocessors around the UK and beyond. Due to new technological developments at Re-Gen, glass can now be processed for recycling.
From the 9th April Residents can recycle all their empty glass bottles and jars in their blue bins. Mayor Charlie Casey commented, “I welcome this initiative and would like to encourage local residents to recycle their glass bottles and jars in their blue bin. This is an excellent step forward for Newry and Mourne Council’s Waste Management department. With such a vast amount of materials that can now be recycled, the Easter holidays are the perfect time to make full use of the blue bins.”
The Director of Technical & Leisure Services Mr. Jim McCorry said, “We are delighted with the inclusion of glass in our blue bin collection and encourage the residents of Newry and Mourne to avail of this service. This is just one of many steps we are taking to improve the recycling facilities available within the district. With the active engagement of the residents in this initiative we hope to move closer to achieving recycling targets as set out by the EU.”
Only glass items such as glass bottles and jars can be recycled in the bins with items such as pyrex and kitchenware deemed not suitable.
For more information on what can be recycled in your blue bin, please visit
or contact Ruth Colgan, Recycling Officer, Newry and Mourne District Council – Tel: 02830313233 or Email
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