Residents asked to sign up to Neighbourhood Watch Schemes
Newry Neighbourhood Police Team has called on active and interested residents of Greater Linenhall Square and Mourneview Park to sign up to the local neighbourhood watch schemes. The co-ordinators of both schemes have recently stepped down and local officers are keen to see the schemes continue and grow.
Sergeant Gracey, Newry NPT, explained to Newry Times, “Neighbourhood Watch is a system that promotes being a good neighbour. It means that neighbours look out for each other, especially those who are most vulnerable. It promotes neighbours being vigilant, reporting suspicious activity and working together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. It can help people feel safer in their homes, and promotes co-operation between the police and the community.”
He continued, “The two-way communication with the community helps police to quickly identify emerging crime trends, to offer appropriate crime prevention advice and to adjust patrolling patterns to deter and detect offenders. The success of Neighbourhood Watch is largely dependent on scheme coordinators who give up their time voluntarily to work with the police, Community Safety Partnership and District Policing Partnership to assist their neighbourhoods in tackling crime.”
“If you are interested in taking up the post of coordinator for Greater Linenhall Square or Mourneview Park you can give us a call in Ardmore on 0845 600 8000,” he added.
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Posted by Newry Times News
on Mar 16 2012. Filed under Community.
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