New speech and language therapist for Kilkeel Health Care Centre | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

New speech and language therapist for Kilkeel Health Care Centre

Mairead McAlinden, chief executive of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, has in the last week confirmed that a new staff member will be employed in the Kilkeel area by the end of the month. The new therapist will be able for speech and language therapies at the Kilkeel Primary Health Care Centre.

Ms McAlinden said, “Unfortunately due to a staff vacancy, there has been a recent disruption to the speech and language service in Kilkeel. However I am pleased to confirm that this has now been addressed and a new member of staff is due to join the team this month.”

The therapist will also be able to refer people with severe language problems to specialist centres.

Local UKIP councillor, Henry Reilly, also spoke of the appointment, “I have received several requests for this type of appointment from worried parents, whose children need speech therapy.”

The councillor continued, “There is a significant number of children in need of this type of professional help and their parents will welcome this. I would like to thank Chief Executive of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Mairead McAlinden and her team for giving my request serious consideration and proceeding with the appointment.”

Anyone with any queries, concerns or comments about the Speech and Language Therapy Service can contact the Administration Co-ordinator on (028) 3831 1066.

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Posted by on Mar 12 2012. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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