Eirigi commend NI Water Service on Derrybeg drainage issues

Eirígí spokesperson Stephen Murney has welcomed the quick response by the Water Service following a drainage issue in the Derrybeg estate. Speaking to Newry Times Stephen said, “I was contacted by several residents in 5th Avenue after a manhole was constantly leaking with water actually running down the street. A foul smell was also emanating from the manhole cover which would suggest the presence of raw sewage. I contacted the Water Service on behalf of the concerned residents and I’m glad to say they responded quickly and fixed the problem.”
Murney added, “This could have posed serious health risks particularly as there are young kids playing in this street. I’d like to thank the Water Service for their speedy response to resolving this issue.”
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Newry Times News
on Mar 8 2012. Filed under
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