Hyland to initiate council debate about alleged PSNI harassment
A motion about alleged PSNI harassment in Newry is to be debated at the monthly meeting of Newry & Mourne District Council on Monday 5th March. The motion, spearheaded by éirígí, is being submitted to the council by independent republican councillor Davy Hyland on behalf of the party.
The text of the motion reads, “This council notes, with grave concern, the ongoing harassment of republican activists in the Newry area by the PSNI. Members of the socialist republican party éirígí, along with other republicans, are being harassed on an almost daily basis while going about their everyday business and while engaging in legitimate political activities. This harassment includes regular stop and searches which in the past have been condemned by the European courts of human rights. It is imperative that Newry and Mourne District Council condemn this unnecessary harassment and call for this type of political policing to stop.”
Speaking about the motion, éirígí’s Newry representative Stephen Murney explained, “Harassment in recent years has gone into overdrive in Newry. This has been widely publicised yet elected representatives, with the exception of Davy Hyland, have remained silent. These people claim to have our best interests at heart yet so far they refuse to speak out against these human rights abusers. We need to know where they stand on this issue. Are they on the side of the victims or are they on the side of the oppressor?”
Murney added, “This is just one initiative we are pursuing to tackle PSNI harassment. We are also going to be launching a ‘Know Your Rights’ campaign at a public meeting in the coming weeks.”
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