Nine local charities benefit from Buttercrane Community Bursary
A grand total of nine local charities have received monetary funding from Buttercrane Centre’s Community Bursary Awards which were recently set up to support small community groups and charities throughout the Greater Newry Area. All bursary recipients attended a special presentation day at Buttercrane Centre, Newry on Tuesday 7th February.
Aiming to support vital community work across all age groups and backgrounds and covering the categories of Arts, Sports, Environment and Health, the Buttercrane scheme received a huge number of applicants from right across the Greater Newry area and from a wide and varied range of projects, all of which were worthy of careful consideration.
Within the Arts category, St Mary’s Youth Club, Newry received funding to give its proposed dance room a new lease of life with new dance equipment and fittings. Dunnaman Children’s Centre, a voluntary grass roots organisation run by local parents, can now progress their Art Cart cross-community project which aims to help children explore and create through a programme of visual arts. The Young Ireland Fund, thanks to Buttercrane, will be able to implement an important cross-border and cross-community venture which aims to promote Newry as a key place to visit by creating public art work and local historical exhibitions.
The Ballybot Community Association received a monetary award from the Environment Category and can now grow their ambitions to landscape and enhance a strip of land near Buttercrane for the benefit of the Newry public. In the Sports Category, Friends of St Patrick’s Primary School, Newry can now raise their game and bolster the school’s sports equipment resources, including brand new outdoor football posts. Newry High Fliers Basketball team too are jumping for joy with money to spend on new team kits and basketball equipment. Newry and Mourne Sub Aqua Club now have funds to purchase new radios for their boats as well as other essential life-saving items.
Under the Health Category, Buttercrane funding goes to PIPS Newry and Mourne to help support their vital work with families bereaved by suicide and to help promote and enhance community services available via their Protect Life Resource Centre. Last but certainly not least, with Buttercrane’s generosity, the local St John’s Ambulance service can now purchase outright a brand new defibrillator to provide life-saving first aid at events in the Newry and Mourne area. This is a vital piece of equipment and one which will maximise the valuable skills of St John’s Ambulance’s highly trained operators.
Peter Murray, Buttercrane Centre Manager said, “We were astonished at how much vital and largely unsung work is going on in our midst and it is quite humbling to see how much local people give of themselves and their time to support the causes that are dear to their hearts. We thank everyone who took the time and effort to submit an application to Buttercrane’s Bursary scheme – our community is a much better place thanks to organisations and people such as these.”
He added, “It really was a Herculean task to choose one project over another, but choose we had to do and those projects are reflective of the breadth and calibre of the applications received. Buttercrane Centre is only too delighted to help our bursary winners achieve their goals and ambitions and we will look forward to following the progression of these interesting and commendable projects over the coming months.”
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