Road Safety Action measures welcomed by Boylan | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Road Safety Action measures welcomed by Boylan

Sinn Fein Road Safety spokesperson, Cathal Boylan has welcomed the implementation of new measures to enhance road safety, especially amongst young people. Speaking to Newry Times the MLA said, “It is very important that we continue to bring ideas forward to educate young people in road safety issues. Among some of the ideas included in the 2020 Road Safety Strategy is to make greater use of educational interventions for errant road users, beginning with the introduction of speed awareness courses as an alternative for drivers facing a fixed penalty notice; this would only be used in cases where they are marginally above the threshold and it is their first offence. We also hope to work towards the introduction of driver improvement courses to address careless driving.”

Boylan continued, “It has been widely publicised that we intend to reduce the drink drive limit, hopefully in a joined up approach with Dublin to ensure an island wide limit, introducing random breath testing and consider introducing a system of graduated penalties for relevant offences including greater use of educational courses. We will continue to target the minority of young and inexperienced mostly male drivers who exhibit dangerous driving behaviour through education, training and enforcement. The Environment Department’s Road Safety Education Service and PSNI are currently involved with Allstate in the ‘X the TXT’ competition; students were encouraged to enter their ideas for an anti texting and driving campaign with the final three short-listed being given the opportunity to make an advertisement which would be available on YouTube.”

“Other similar initiatives which can engage and appeal to young people while also raising awareness and being educational will be rolled out in the future and are very important in relation to what we are trying to do to reduce death and serious injury among the targeted age group,” he added.

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Posted by on Feb 23 2012. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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