Kilcoo GAC, club news and events – 20th February
Ladies Training takes place this Saturday at 6.00pm and Thursday 1st March at 7.00pm
Thirds training takes place this Thursday at 7.30pm
Kilcoo underage training takes place this Friday evening in the Primary School.
- Under 10’s and 12’s 5.45 – 6.45
- Primary 1, 2 and 3’s 6.45 – 7.30
- Under 14’s and under 16’s 8.00pm – 9.00pm
- Under 12, 14 and 16 girls football training in the Hall on Wednesday evening at 6.30
Club Membership is now due and should be paid to Paddy Morgan (Dromena) or Niall Morgan. Club membership fees for 2012 will be the same as 2011.
Tollymore Mountain Centre announced as finishing line for The Mourne Challenge and the Mourne Dander. There are now 20 teams registered. Contact Terry O’Hanlon on 07738430969 or Kieran O’Hare on 07587888365 for more information
It has come to light in recent years that there has been a sharp decline in Cultural Heritage within our own community. This cultural heritage is a vital aspect of our Irish Identity and Kilcoo GAC would like to seek a revival of all things relating to our ancient culture such as dancing, singing, recitation, storytelling, playing traditional music, speaking our native language and more.
In the past few weeks the club has set up a cultural subcommittee, to revive these lost passions and highlight their importance, as the GAA is not an organisation limited to our games.
We hope to hold a meeting on Monday 12th March for anyone who is interested in learning a new pass-time and ultimately wishing to take part in our cultural revival. If there is any aspect of culture which you wish to discuss bringing back into our parish please feel free to attend this meeting or contact Paddy McCrickard 07803779854 or Aoife O’Hanlon
Anyone wanting to join the Running Club can meet at Hillyard House at 6.45 every Tuesday with John A McEvoy. Everyone welcome both male and female. Contact no 07753639696
The club is intending raising some much needed funds by turning scrap metal into cash. Over the next few months we will be arranging collection of scrap from households who wish to donate. Anyone with scrap metals of any type that they would like removed please contact Roger Morgan on 028 437 23886
If you are aged 16 – 24 and help out in any way at the Club you can apply for the Club Mark award, this is a volunteering award, to recognise the contribution of young people in sport. The Award recognises 50 hours of volunteering, 100 hours of volunteering and 200 hours of volunteering. You will receive a certificate signed by the Minister of Education and this award will add value to your CV, job applications and University Applications.
If you wish to be considered for this award please contact Seamus O’Hanlon either directly or via email at giving details of tasks undertaken, hours volunteering.
Congratulations to the Novelty Act, Set Dancers and Aileen McLaughlin on qualifying for the Down Scor Sinsear Final on Sunday. Let’s hope they can win the county title on Sunday night.
Good Luck to JJ McLaughlin who is playing for Queens University in the All Ireland Freshers final against Dublin City University tonight (Wednesday) in Pairc Esler at 7pm.
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