Kilcoo, club news and events – 13th February
Tickets for the Dinner Dance should be claimed before Monday as this is the last date possible to secure them. Tickets cost £30 and are available from Terry O’Hanlon, Roger Morgan, Richard McEvoy, Ionagh McEvoy, Gerry Laverty or Cathy Grant. All tickets must be paid in full prior to the event.
The club website was launched on Monday. The address of the website is A big thanks to all that supplied photos and information for the clubs new website which goes online on Monday. There are a lot of photos available on it and more will be added on a regular basis. The site shall also contain weekly fixtures and resources such as membership forms, codes of conduct etc. and much more. Why not drop by and have a look. A particular word of thanks goes to the team which put this together and we’re sure you shall enjoy and use this site.
Kilcoo underage training this Friday evening in the Primary School.
- Under 10’s and 12’s 5.45 – 6.45
- Primary 1, 2 and 3’s 6.45 – 7.30
- Under 14’s and under 16’s 8.00pm – 9.00pm
If any person has a couple of hours to spare, and feel they would like to help the Club by keeping changing rooms clean and tidy they should contact Terry O’Hanlon.
Club Membership is now due and should be paid to Paddy Morgan (Dromena) or Niall Morgan. Club membership fees for 2012 will be the same as 2011. Anyone that has membership paid before the 1st March shall be guaranteed entry into any draws for all ticket games.
Tollymore Mountain Centre announced as finishing line for The Mourne Challenge and the Mourne Dander. There are now 20 teams registered. Anyone interested in doing the Mourne Challenge they should contact Terry O’Hanlon or Kieran O’Hare.
The clothing bin at the playing fields has been emptied and will accept all items of clothing, handbags, footwear and bed linen but not duvet’s.
Any juvenile member of the club that would like to take part in a young whistler’s course to be run in late February-early March should contact Seamus O’Hanlon. This course entitles young lads or girls to referee primary school and Go Games matches, blitzes and tournaments. We are not going to force anyone that does this course to referee outside of the club and even if you have no intention of refereeing you should sign up for it as if for no other reason you shall learn the rules of the game. How many of you have ever seen a rule book?
Anyone wanting to join the Running Club can contact John A McEvoy on 07753639696. Everyone welcome both male and female.
The club is intending raising some much needed funds by turning scrap metal into cash. Over the next few months we will be arranging collection of scrap from households who wish to donate. Anyone with scrap metals of any type that they would like removed please contact Roger Morgan on 028 437 23886.
Good luck to the club representatives this Sunday in the East Down final of Scor Sinsear.
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