A Titanic occasion for Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce

Brenda Morgan, bmi Sales Manager Ireland, Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment and Ann McGregor, Chief Executive of Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber 230 Gala has been organised by the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce to provide an evening of reflection, celebration and inspiration to acknowledge and be inspired by the achievements of so many of our business communities’ successes both here and across the globe.
As part of the celebrations, entertainment will be provided by award winning Mezzo Soprano Katherine Jenkins and the Ulster Orchestra.
In addition to headline sponsor bmi, the event is also being held in partnership with supporting partners Cleaver Fulton Rankin, DSV, Power NI and the Ulster Business School at the University of Ulster.
Ann McGregor, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Chamber commented, “Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce is one of Northern Ireland’s longest established and most respected business organisations, with our first Chamber President led by Waddell Cunningham taking the chair in 1782.
“We believe the event on 17 April will provide us with a unique opportunity to celebrate the Chamber’s long and distinguished history as well as bringing together many of our business leaders at Titanic Belfast. This iconic building is a truly spectacular addition to the Belfast skyline in what is being described as a world-class visitor attraction and events venue.
“We are delighted that bmi, British Midland International has come on board as our headline sponsor and that Arlene Foster, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment joined us to launch this event. Their support is greatly appreciated by NI Chamber.”
Brenda Morgan, bmi Sales Manager Ireland commented: “bmi, British Midland International, has been a major supporter of the Northern Ireland economy having been flying from Belfast to London Heathrow one of the world’s largest and most important hubs for twenty seven years. During that time bmi has contributed to the economic development in the region – as an employer, a service provider and a vital communications link.”
“Although the current economic situation has never been as challenging, the Northern Ireland entrepreneurial spirit and determination has never been more evident particularly in the light of what is planned for 2012.”
She continued, “By providing some of the critical airline linkages at London Heathrow, bmi is playing a major part in fulfilling the ambitions of the new programme for Government to encourage business to find and exploit new export markets round the world.”
“It is with pride that bmi will once again be in a position to support the local business community as a lead partner of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce’s Business Gala.”
“Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce is to be congratulated on its forward thinking in organising and bringing together some 800 guests from local, national and international businesses to celebrate what will be one of a number of very exciting events to be held during in 2012.”
Brenda concluded: “bmi recognises the importance of supporting the business community as they are a vital link in the development of economic growth for Northern Ireland. The Belfast to London Heathrow route has and will continue to be an essential link to a worldwide business market.”
For further information and to register for this event please visit: www.northernirelandchamber.com
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