Sinn Fein’s Boylan: “Double Jobbing should end by next elections”
Newry Armagh Assembly Member Cathal Boylan has pressed the Environment Minister on the issue of dual mandate councillors and MLAs during the Assembly’s Question Time.
Mr Boylan said, “This issue of dual mandate, or double jobbing as it is colloquially known, is one which has been on the cards for many years. The previous Environment Minister failed to address the issue and so I have requested some details of the current Minister, Alex Atwood, as to the timeframe anticipated for legislation to be introduced.
“I am heartened by the Minister’s response in which he stated that he has recommended a ban on double jobbing should council elections take place in 2015.
He continued, “The position of Assembly Member requires a full time commitment and complete dedication in order to provide constituents with a first class legislative service as well as dealing with local issues. MLA’s who are also serving as elected councillors cannot possibly fulfil both roles to the highest standards and for this reason Sinn Féin has phased out duel mandate, I encourage other parties to do the same.”
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