Crossmaglen Rangers, news and events – 10th January 2012
The year past was one of great success and excitement and yet ended with tragedy and sudden deaths. These events brought home to us that there is more to life than football and despite what a famous football manager said, it is only a game. After the dark there is always the dawn and already the team is back in training in preparation for our semi –final clash with Munster Champions Dr. Crokes.
The game has been arranged for Portlaoise on Saturday 18th February at The decision to arrange the game for a Saturday shows how out of touch the powers that be in Croke Park are with the clubs on the ground. We are told the club is the cornerstone of the association yet there was no consultation before this decision was made. The people who make these decisions are in well paid jobs with nice pensions and well protected from the cold wind s of the current economic climate.
A considerable number of our supporters work on a Saturday and no longer can afford to take the day off; this will result in almost a fifty per cent drop in our support. I am sure the same situation will apply to our opponents. The drop in attendance has financial implications for the clubs as our share of the gate will suffer a considerable reduction while our expenses remain the same. The decision to arrange our match for a Saturday was probably to facilitate the playing of the Railway Cup and while all are in favour of the competition I think another date could have been found for it.
Club Calendar
The sale of the club calendar has been a big success and already we have had to order extra copies which are on sale in the local shops at a cost of £8. The calendar is a nice gift to send to your friends overseas and it will keep them up to date with the activities in the club over the past year.
Club History
The club is updating the history of the club by producing a DVD. We are particularly interested in people who have photographs or records relating to the early years of the club. If you feel you have information no matter how little, please pass it on to any member of the committee or contact Tony Brady on 0876929783 or Tom McKay on 02830861043.
The club lotto provides much needed funds for the day to day running of the club and your support is greatly appreciated. With the club involved in the championship final expenses have dramatically increased. To provide a full kit for the team cost over £1500 to hire. A field to play a game under lights costs £160 and other costs such as transport, first aid, catering help to swell the bill so it is vitally important that members continue to support this fundraiser. Tickets cost £1 and can be purchased from local shops or any member of the committee. If you feel you can help out by selling tickets, no matter how few, please contact Peadar McCoy or any member of the committee who will provide you with a book.
Cairde Raonaithe Na Croise
Our club provides facilities for twenty four teams. In order to meet increased demand and provide facilities which our young people and members deserve the club is embarking on the second phase of our development programme. In order to do so the club must raise a large amount of money.
Members can help out by joining Raonaithe Na Croise and agreeing to donate £20 per month for three years. By pledging your support you will be helping your club meet the challenges of the future.
Social Entertainment.
Social entertainment continues in the Rangers Hall on Monday nights commencing at 9.00pm sharp. The club organises this event as a social occasion to give people an opportunity to come together for a couple of hours entertainment, so why not come along and give it a try.
Annual General Meeting
The annual meeting of the club will be held in the Rangers Hall on Tuesday 24th January at 8.00pm sharp. The annual meeting is the most important event in the club year as without a vibrant committee you can not have a successful club. Why not come along and and make your ideas and views known. New members welcome.
It is with deep regret we learned of the death of Brendan O’Neill, father of our senior team manager Gareth, father in law of our Child Protection Officer Dora and grandfather of underage players Oisin and Rian. To Gareth, Dora, Brothers, Sisters and entire family circle we send our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace. Ar Deis De Go Raibh a annam.
We were also saddened to learn of the death of Jim Hastings, father of former player Seamus, father in law of Aidan Morgan and grandfather of players James and to wife Una, daughters Susan and Ann and entire family circle we send our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.
The death of Bridie McCusker, grandmother of our underage players Shane, Johnny, Peter and Amy Louise did not come as a big shock as she had been unwell for some time. To husband John, son, daughter’s, brother Teddy Cassidy and entire family circle we send our deepest sympathy. May she rest in peace.
The sudden death of Gerry Hughes, coming so soon after the death of his nephew James, has shocked the community. On behalf of the club I wish to extend our deepest sympathy to brothers Charlie, James, Niall, Francis, David and Martin as well as sisters Sally, Ruth, Rita, Mary and the entire family circle we send our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.
Our good wishes go to senior player Brendan McKeown who had a most important day recently when he married Jenna Boyle from Camloch. We wish them many years of health and happiness together. Our congratulations also go to senior team managers Gareth O Neill and Tony McEntee who received a nomination for the Belfast Telegraph Manager Of The Year, while our senior have received a nomination for the Team Of The Year.
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