Newry Times meets The Genuine Articles | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Newry Times meets The Genuine Articles

Newry Times this week caught up with Hugh McCreesh, lead vocals and guitarist for popular local band The Genuine Articles. Having finished a busy year touring, the pop/rock band are ready to take their talents to the next level in 2012 with another big tour and potentially an E.P. or single lined up. The band, currently based in Manchester, is made up of brothers Hugh and Mo McCreesh, Micky McGuigan, all from Newry and their Bury born lead guitarist, Tom Beryl.

What was your highlight of 2011?

A packed out Manchester Academy gig. Everyone singing ‘I’m not an A – Hole’. One of our best I think; I love playing there. Also, getting our new website – . Big thanks to Frank Breen and Rory McKinley for that.

You have come back to Newry more than once this year, what do you love most about performing here?

The lads performing in Newry's BED nightclub

I love playing to the home crowd, to friends and that. We’ve been back three times to Newry since we moved to Manchester. The first two times we played at The Relic/BED. Both these gigs were quality with almost 300 turning out to support us. The crowd really got behind us and singing the songs back to us, it was something we’ll never forget.

What do you miss most about Newry?

Friends and family and the off chance of going for a dip in Newry swimming pool.

Where did the name ‘The Genuine Articles’ come from?

No comment. A lot of people think it’s because we think we’re the real deal or something but it’s nothing to do with that. It has a completely different meaning to it so I’ll explain it some night to you when i’m drunk.

Who are your musical heroes?

John Lennon, Noel Gallagher and Liam Gallagher because of his swagger and I hate using that word or anyone that uses that word but it’s the only way I can think of how to describe it at the minute, Ian Brown and Liam fray.

You are performing in Newry in the new year, what are you looking forward to most?

I’m looking forward to a good singalong. Everyone that comes to our gigs are brilliant. Dancing away, they really go for it. I’m looking forward to playing some new tracks, two of which are potential singles. So yeah, that and the party after.

What does your Manchester band-mate think of Newry?

He loves it! He reckons everyone’s mad and I can’t really argue with that.

You did a big tour this year and have another one coming up in 2012, what do you love most about touring?

Seeing people from different cities singing along and dancing to our tunes. Big shout out to the Derry crew and also Barry ‘Jazz’ Finnegan who runs the night in Dublin, they’ve really got behind us.

What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you this year?

I can’t remember much of it but I’ve heard three different accounts from the boys. We played a gig in Derry on our last tour which was unreal. It was the night after Tanglewood so there wasn’t much sleep involved the night before either. Anyway we finished the gig and went to a party. I’ll not say too much about that for legal reasons. After the party we headed back to the B&B for a couple of hours sleep before they would kick us out.

We all must have fell asleep but I must have been sleep walking. I woke up in the bathroom completely naked. My good chain and cross were ripped off and lying on the floor. The boys said they woke up and all they heard was me shouting and screaming at the top of my voice. God only knows what. They were saying it was as if I was possessed or something.

Two hours later we left. Lets just say there were some strange looks from the owner of the B&B and his daughter when he seen the four of us walking out of the one room. Wonder what he thought was going on!

What are your new years resolutions?

Scottish Tour, Full English Tour and release either an E.P or a single in April/May.

Where do you see The Genuine Articles in five years?

I really can’t say ’cause apparently the worlds going to end December 2012 so if it’s true we’re all in trouble.

And finally, what would you like to say to the people of Newry?

Get behind us! There’s loads of Newry ones who we can’t thank enough for showing their support and coming to our gigs, There’s lots of new faces turning up at our gigs with no ties or connections which is great to see, but there’s ones who haven’t even given us a chance. Why not get behind a few local lads? I guarantee they’ll have a good night if they give it a chance. If everyone gets behind us we have the potential to make a lot of noise.

We’re bringing another great local band on tour with us who have moved Glasgow, the Young Aviators. They are signed to The Subways management and they will be playing in Newry. They’re quality so get yourselves down to the Bank on Saturday Feb 11th.

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Posted by on Dec 21 2011. Filed under Entertainment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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