Success for Sinn Fein welfare advice clinic
A drop-in centre in Meigh has been a huge success according to Sinn Fein. For the past 3 months Sinn Féin has been hosting a Welfare Advice Clinic every Saturday in Meigh Community Centre. The initiative began following requests from constituents who needed advice but had difficulty accessing the Newry or Crossmaglen Sinn Féin offices within working hours. The Welfare Advice Clinic to date has been used by over two hundred people seeking help and advice.
Sinn Féin Councillor Anthony Flynn, who has hosted numerous clinics, said the initiative had been a tremendous success which enabled Sinn Féin to help a wider range of constiuents. In a recent statement Councillor Flynn said, “Sinn Féin is all about helping people in whatever way we can. We realised, following an extensive canvass of the area in advance of the May elections, that there was a real demand for an advice clinic to be run on a Saturday morning.”
Flynn continued, “We started the pilot scheme around August time and due to the high levels of demand for the service we are pleased to say that we will be continuing the clinics in the New Year.”
The Sinn Fein Councillor added, “The next clinic will take place on Saturday 14th January and we will be advertising this nearer the time. To date we have seen over 200 people at our Saturday clinic which runs from 11.00am – 1.00pm and we hope to see many more throughout 2012. No appointment is necessary and people are seen on a first come first served basis. If there are people out there who need advice with any type of form filling or accessing benefits or services I would urge them to come along and we will do our utmost to give advice.”
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