Newry’s Lost Generation, with Katrina Berry
Name: Katrina Berry (nee McLoughlin).
Age: 32.
Education/experience: Attended St. Clares Primary School in Newry and then St Marys High school and Sacred Heart Grammar school. Attended St Marys University in Strawberry Hill, Twickenham where I gained and BA QTS degree.
Originally from: Ashton Heights, Newry.
When did you leave Newry? I left Newry when I was 18 so 14 years ago! (I didn’t realise it was so long ago).
Why did you leave Newry? I left Newry to go to university to study teaching as I wasn’t clever enough to get into St Marys Teaching College in Belfast!
What are you doing now? I am still in primary school teaching and I’m currently teaching 5 and 6 year olds. It is hard work and I sometimes moan about it but I do love it!
Are you enjoying life away from Newry? Life away from Newry is very different. I no longer live in London but moved to Essex about 10 years ago. The pace of life is much faster over here and the cost of living is very high.
What do you miss most about Newry: Definitely my family, especially not seeing my two nieces (Laura and Codie) growing up. It is also very difficult when someone back home is sick or when someone passes away. Since I’ve come to England I have lost my auntie and all of my grandparents which has been extremely difficult. It’s hard not being there when other family members need your support. I also miss everyone saying hello to people they don’t even know…that just doesn’t happen over here…you would probably get arrested for being some sort of a weirdo! Seriously though, reading things in the papers etc, makes you realise just how much the people of Newry pull together in times of trouble, for instance when Mr Owens (RIP) from Barcroft went missing.
When will you return to Newry or would you like to eventually return here? I really enjoy living in England but I often think about going back to Newry. I don’t think it is something that would ever be able to happen though and that does make me sad.
What would you say to anybody still living in Newry who can’t find work? I don’t think there is much work around anywhere but I would tell people to go wherever they can find work.
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