Kevin Heaney memorial race a success | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Kevin Heaney memorial race a success


The annual Kevin Heaney memorial race took place on Sunday morning at Greenbank Industrial Estate. The race had a turnout of 41 runners in total. This may not have been as big as previous years but it was a very strong field as 30 runners all clocked times of sub 30 minutes. The race is a total of 4 miles, run on a handicap basis. This gives all runners of any ability the opportunity of winning the race. Pat Dunbar was the overall winner of the Kevin Heaney memorial trophy as he had the quickest gross time. The ex St.Paul’s teacher crossed the line in a very impressive time of 27 minutes and 48 seconds.

Brian McCloskey clocked the fastest overall time of 21.02 and Julie Turley was the fastest woman home in a blistering 22.35.  The real winner on the day though was Newry Hospice, as every penny raised from the race was donated directly to them. A special mention must go to Seanie McCracken who organises this event each year and raises much needed funds for the local charity.

The top 20 runners were as follows:

  1. Brian McCloskey 21.02
  2. Andrew Hicks 21.05
  3. Andrew McKee 22.32
  4. Julie Turley 22.35
  5. Collie Hughes 22.43
  6. Johnny Greg 23.13
  7. Don Travers 24.10
  8. Brian Farrell 24.16
  9. Bill Finnegan Jnr 24.17
  10. Don Harte 24.30
  11. Marty Gorman 24.42
  12. Shane O’Higgins 24.45
  13. Bill Finnegan Snr 24.55
  14. David Hughes 25.53
  15. Larry Malone 26.00
  16. Pat Rocks 26.38
  17. Sean Smith 27.06
  18. Kieran Rice 27.13
  19. Ronan Mynes 27.19
  20. Fergal McKeown 27.22

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Posted by on Dec 5 2011. Filed under Sport. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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