‘Wrap up warm for Winter’ – NI Water urges | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘Wrap up warm for Winter’ – NI Water urges

The Winter wardrobe is back out for another year – coats, hats and scarfs at the ready to keep us warm.  

It’s a timely reminder that our house needs to have a winter coat on too!



Frozen pipes can burst and cause flooding, so it is vital when we are wrapping ourselves up that we take the time to make sure our pipes are well wrapped and protected from the cold weather.

Des Nevin, Head of NI Water Customer Service Centre said, ‘‘This is the second year we have our ‘Flo’ character to help remind the public to prepare for freezing temperatures and ensure that the water continues to ‘flo’ freely through our pipes all winter long.  



“Over the coming months, Flo will be giving advice on the steps everyone needs to take to protect their property and possessions from the damage a burst pipe can create.

“The devastation caused by burst pipes cannot be underestimated. Not only can the water cause structural damage to a property, but the lasting damage in a home can be to personal items. 

“Imagine losing electrical equipment such as tablets and mobile phones or worse, irreplaceable memories such as photographs.



“On a wider scale, if you imagine the impact of thousands of litres of water pouring out of burst water pipes; it could put a massive strain on the distribution network. 

He added, “Insulating your pipework is an essential action to protect your water supply and that of your neighbours.”

There are lots of simple things that homes and businesses can do to prepare for a cold winter, and there’s no time like the present to get started:



    1. Wrap up pipes and water tanks with lagging – high street DIY stores have everything you need.
    2. Fix dripping taps – even a small trickle can result in a frozen pipe.
    3. Find your property’s stop tap and make sure you can turn it off – most are under the kitchen sink.
    4. Leave the heating on low if you go away for a winter break.
    5. Check your central heating boiler has been serviced – it should be serviced annually.
    6. Keep the name of a plumber handy – type in your postcode at www.watersafe.org.uk  to find your nearest accredited plumbing business.



Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=65751

Posted by on Dec 21 2018. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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