Cuan Mhuire receives Arts Council funding | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Cuan Mhuire receives Arts Council funding

Cuan Mhuire, Ireland’s largest voluntary provider of Rehabilitation Treatment for individuals suffering from addiction and other related issues, has received funding from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland to provide a series of arts based workshops for service users.

The funding of £4,986 is being used to provide music and ceramics classes that will run over a 16 week period.

The classes will support the ongoing work of the Cuan Mhuire Centre by utilising the arts as a tool to tackle some of the issues faced.

It is hoped that adults embarking on a personal journey of addiction rehabilitation from alcohol and gambling in Cuan Mhuire’s Newry centre will gain new skills in the arts, benefit from increased self-confidence and self-esteem and develop friendships through working together.

Potter Eleanor Wheeler provides weekly ceramics workshops with users having the opportunity to create their own pottery pieces, while music classes are facilitated by musician Sheila Smyth and include singing and guitar lessons.

Sheila Smyth from the Right Key, an organisation that helps promote health and recovery through music and singing, said, “I have worked in Cuan Mhuire in the past and have seen first-hand the healing powers of music – it can make a breaking point into a turning point.

“An important part of recovery is improving peoples’ image of themselves. They need to know that they have value as an individual and that they have a purpose. Music builds trust and, because of this, people feel safe to try new things and that is key to recovering from addiction.”

Sister Consillios from Cuan Mhuire, said, “We are delighted to have received funding from the Arts Council and know it is going to make a big difference in many people’s lives. This 16 week project is challenging our participants to leave their comfort zones and to try new artistic approaches.

“We have just started the classes and already those involved are amazed at the on-going results, the new skills they are learning and confidence that they are building every week,” she added.

For information on funding opportunities, please contact the Arts Council on

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Posted by on Feb 17 2014. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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