2.1 million annual tax credits packs to be issued | Newry Times | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

2.1 million annual tax credits packs to be issued | Newry Times

About 2.1 million tax credits customers will begin to receive their annual renewal packs this week from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).


2.1 million annual tax credits packs to be issued | Newry Times - newry newspaper


The packs will be sent between 25 April and 27 May 2022.

Customers have until 31 July to check their details are correct and update HMRC if there has been a change in their circumstances.



Tax credits help working families with targeted financial support, so it is important that people do not miss out on money they are entitled to.

There are two types of renewal packs:

– if it has a red line across the first page and says ‘reply now’, customers will need to confirm their circumstances to renew their tax credits

– if it has a black line across the first page and says ‘check now’, customers will need to check their details are correct. If correct, customers do not need to do anything and their tax credits will be automatically renewed

About 630,000 customers will need to confirm their circumstances to renew their tax credits for the 2022 to 2023 tax year.

Customers can renew their tax credits for free via GOV.UK or the HMRC app.


Tall Paul Marketing - NI blog content writer


Renewing online is quick and easy.

Customers can log into GOV.UK to check the progress of their renewal, be reassured it is being processed and know when they will hear back from HMRC.

Customers choosing to use the HMRC app on their smartphone can:

    renew their tax credits

    update changes to their claim

    check their tax credits payments schedule, and

    find out how much they have earned for the year



HMRC has released a video to explain how tax credits customers can use the HMRC app to view, manage and update their details.

If there is a change in a customer’s circumstances that could affect their tax credits claims, they must report the changes to HMRC.

Circumstances that could affect tax credits payments include changes to:

living arrangements


working hours, or

income (increase or decrease)

Tax credits are ending and will be replaced by Universal Credit by the end of 2024.



Many customers who move from tax credits to Universal Credit could be financially better off and can use an independent benefits calculator to check.

If customers choose to apply sooner, it is important to get independent advice beforehand as they will not be able to go back to tax credits or any other benefits that Universal Credit replaces.


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