Local man speaks to Newry Times about hygiene in Daisy Hill Hospital | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Local man speaks to Newry Times about hygiene in Daisy Hill Hospital

Local man John Cunningham sent the following letter into Newry Times about the state of taps in Daisy Hill Hospital. The accompanying pictures, John claims, were taken from the Natal Unit several days ago in Daisy Hill Hospital.

Dear Editor,

As you are aware, thereĀ are a lot of problems regarding germs in the water killing children in hospitals. I was disgusted to discover the condition of a tap in the natal unit at Daisy hill Hospital. On Saturday the 11th Feb 2012 I visited a woman who had a child on Saturday morning and she was put into a single bedroom along with her new born child.

The tap on the basin had a growth around the spout. This is a crusty texture which is hard but will scrape off with your nail. How can the hospital managers go on TV and tell us they are doing everything possible to eradicate the problem when this filth exists? This is criminal.

Please use this information as you see fit.

John Cunningham

These pictures of a water tap were allegedly taken in the Natal Unit of Daisy Hill Hospital this week:

These pictures of a water tap were allegedly taken in the Natal Unit of Daisy Hill Hospital this week.


Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=5876

Posted by on Feb 15 2012. Filed under Letters to the Editor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

2 Comments for “Local man speaks to Newry Times about hygiene in Daisy Hill Hospital”

  1. maria goretti

    There is no unit in Daisy Hill called the natal unit, unless it Is a new unit. Does this person know what ward [or hospita] he was in ?

  2. […] The following statement is in response to a letter sent to the editor entitled – ‘Local man speaks to Newry Times about hygiene in Daisy Hill Hospital‘ […]

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