Deadline for Landlord Registration Scheme approaching
Social Development Minister, Mervyn Storey, has reminded landlords that they need to sign up to the Landlord Registration Scheme by 25th February 2015, or risk being fined.
The Landlord Registration Scheme seeks to establish a list of all landlords in Northern Ireland.
Once registered, landlords are provided with up-to-date information and support in relation to their duties and responsibilities.
With just a month to go until the deadline, the Minister is reminding all landlords that they are required to register immediately before letting a new tenancy, or by 25th February 2015 if they have existing tenancies and no new lettings. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to £2,500.
Minister Storey said, “Tenants have the right to expect good quality and well managed accommodation for the rent they pay. Most landlords providing private rented accommodation do just that for their tenants and abide by the law.
“The Landlord Registration Scheme is an important initiative led by my Department to help maintain and improve the standards of the private rented sector in Northern Ireland.
“To date, some 13,814 landlords and 31,278 properties have been registered. Each of their tenants can be assured that their landlord has signed up and is committed to good practice in this sector.
“Landlords will also be safe in the knowledge that they will be kept up to date with important information and support in relation to their duties and responsibilities. With the deadline for the Landlord Registration scheme approaching, I am reminding all landlords to register, or face a fine,” he added.
Landlords can register at, they can also register by calling 0300 200 7821. Telephone and online registrations cost £70 and paper registrations cost £80.
The fee is applicable regardless of how many properties a landlord owns. Tenants are encouraged to look for the Landlord Registration logo and registration number when taking up a new tenancy. This will provide reassurance that their landlord has complied with the statutory requirement to register.
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