Policing team visit Headway Newry

Pictured are officers from Newry NPT with members of Headway at Bishopscourt Racing Track.
Newry Neighbourhood Policing Team brought the road safety message to members of Headway in Newry through a new programme focusing on education, communication and fun. The programme was divided into three sessions culminating in a trip to Bishopscourt Racing Track in Downpatrick.
Constable Marner, Newry NPT, explained to Newry Times, “We came up with the idea of the programme to help reduce the number of adults and children killed or seriously injured on the road. The main focus of the scheme is to educate vulnerable people about dangers on the roads and the role we play in dealing with this. It is about educating them about their own safety on the road and also taking away the fear or trepidation they might have in relation to police. The first session took the form of an information workshop on road safety awareness.”
He continued, “Police spoke to participants about how dangerous the roads can be and what steps everyone can take to make sure they stay safe. The second session followed on with a display of police vehicles including response vehicles, motorbikes, bicylcles and land-rovers. Participants got the opportunity to familiarise themselves with all the vehicles while officers explained how each vehicle is used in relation to road safety.”
“Bishopscourt was a fun day out and it reinforced some of our road safety messages, particularly around speed. The group had the opportunity to travel in a race car as a passenger. At the outset of the programme we had hoped to build some positive relationships with those taking part and it worked really well. As police officers we learnt what their concerns are and how we can help them better and as participants, they learnt how to keep themselves safe on the roads and that we are here to help when they need us.”
Marner added, “Through educational programmes like this we hope to reduce road traffic incidents and, ultimately, see less people killed on our roads.”
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Newry Times News
on May 30 2012. Filed under
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