Murphy seeks views on potential role of biofuels | Newry News | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Murphy seeks views on potential role of biofuels | Newry News

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has launched a Call for Evidence to explore the potential use of biofuels as an alternative to home heating oil and fossil-based LPG.


Murphy seeks views on potential role of biofuels | Newry News - newry newspapers


Biofuels, specifically Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) and Bio-Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Bio-LPG), can be used as an alternative heat source to fossil fuels.

Industry research and analysis indicate biofuels are the most likely renewable heat alternative for homes and businesses that cannot be heated by heat pumps, the gas grid or heating networks.

Minister Murphy says, “Moving away from fossil fuels is vital in the transition towards net zero.

“Over half of our homes and businesses are reliant on heating oil. This heavy reliance on fossil fuels not only creates carbon emissions but leaves us vulnerable to global price rises.

“The need to source local, secure and sustainable heating alternatives is pressing.




“This Call for Evidence will help the Department assess the potential role biofuels can play in decarbonising our heat, identify challenges and opportunities, and the potential costs involved.

“The Department is particularly interested in how biofuels can complement other low-carbon heating solutions.”

Turning to net zero targets, the Minister says, “We must deliver on the Energy Strategy’s commitment to replace high carbon heat sources with low, and zero carbon alternatives.

“Technologies like heat pumps are vital for the long-term decarbonisation of heat, however, upgrade works can be costly for some homes and businesses.

“Biofuels can offer an important transitionary option, one which is secure, affordable and sustainable.

“The development of the biofuels sector can also boost the local green economy through the creation of highly skilled jobs and contributing to increased productivity.”

In conclusion, the Minister adds, “Co-design and collaboration are pivotal to the drafting of effective policy, and I would encourage consumers, industry, academia and other interested parties to contribute to this Call for Evidence.”

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